INCUBATION: RRR Business Development Programme Uganda


The Resource Recovery and Safe Reuse (RRR) programme has offered excellent business opportunities for a wide range of Ugandan industries and enterprises through the up-cycling of treated liquid and solid waste streams such as municipal solid waste, market waste, faecal sludge, agro-industrial waste, animal waste and wastewater for the recovery of nutrients, energy and water. To support the translation of business ideas in RRR into actual business cewas, in cooperation with Makerere University Business School (MUBS) and Makerere University College, offered a series of advanced business development activities in sustainable sanitation, water and resource management. The business development activities were conducted in Uganda as part of the RRR-Project Phase II. RRR-II was implemented by Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) Reform of the Urban Water and Sanitation Sector (RUWASS) Programme and co-funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

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