The Entrepreneurship Experts in the Water Sector

m3 of Water Saved
Lives Daily Impact
Customers are From Vulnerable Groups

Our Story

A World Before Cewas 

Back in 2010, everybody started talking about the potential of water entrepreneurship. But nobody was actively doing something for it.


So we decided to create the Swiss NGO Cewas, the world's first dedicated water and sanitation entrepreneurship organisation for impact-oriented solutions.

The First Start-up Programme in Switzerland

In 2011, we incubated our first batch of early-stage entrepreneurs in the beautiful city of Willisau in the heart of Switzerland. The one-year programme turned out to be a full success.

Going Global

We soon realised that we need to go where the most challenging water and sanitation problems prevail. So we went out and started to conduct our programmes all over the world.

Growing With our Entrepreneurs

Slowly but steadily more water entrepreneurs built their business and needed a different kind of support. In 2015 we tested our first acceleration programme with 3 more advanced enterprises. Since 2019 we shifted our main attention from early to later stage water entrepreneurship support through our acceleration and scaling programmes. Alongside, we focused increasingly on developing supportive ecosystems and markets. Today, we engage and capacitate market actors and investors in the water sector in all our focus countries.

What we Believe in

SDG-6 at Heart

Our compass points to SDG-6. We are water and sanitation experts and believe in a strong integration of this sector and entrepreneurship to achieve lasting impact.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

We work with entrepreneurs and think like entrepreneurs. We are constantly developing new and improved solutions to support water enterprises and ecosystem partners.

Global Networks,
Local Implementation

Our team implements programmes in emerging markets across the world. Context understanding, local networks and market knowledge are key to all our work.

Holistic Ecosystems

In order to help water enterprises succeed, we invest in sector-specific entrepreneurship ecosystem development, together with support institutions, industry experts and investors.

The Entrepreneurs’ Impact

We are not the ones creating impact, the enterprises are. Our efforts are geared towards enterprises generating, scaling and managing impact.

Go Far, Go Together!

Building enterprises, ecosystems and markets takes time and many hands. We like to focus on our area of expertise and collaborate with like-minded partners.

Latest Highlights

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