EcoSwitch Coalition | Lebanon

Ecosystem development
Middle East

Social and green entrepreneurship as well as an ecosystem of supporting programmes are on the rise in Lebanon. So far there has been little coordination between the actors and opportunities available for social and green innovators. COVID-19 circumstances made it even harder to coordinate and provide a space where ecosystem actors meet young innovators to create and grow new ventures.

The Project

The EcoSwitch Coalition is a network of organisations that support eco-entrepreneurs in Lebanon.

The project, that forms part of the Youth Learning, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme funded by The Asfari Foundation, and is implemented by Fondation Diane and Cewas, fosters the coordination of green ecosystem organisations and opportunities for entrepreneurs in Lebanon. Within one year, key members of the entrepreneurship support community met regularly, creating a Community of Practice, hosting several green entrepreneurship labs for entrepreneurs to network with ecosystem actors and investors, as well as establishing a Green Entrepreneurship portal making information accessible centrally for innovators.

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