Integrity Management Toolbox

Governance & Integrity

Cewas introduced the Integrity Management Toolbox, focusing initially on Water Utilities. This comprehensive toolbox adopts a systemic approach to enhance economic efficiency and integrity within utilities. The program kick-starts an integrity change process through participatory workshops and ongoing support.

Key Components:

  • Participatory Workshops: The toolbox begins with a 2-3-day workshop, conducting a corruption risk analysis in collaboration with management and board members.
  • Implementation Support: Following the workshop, cewas aids in implementing the tools within utilities, fostering integrity practices in their daily operations.

Global Impact:

  • Diverse Application: The toolbox has been successfully applied in various countries including Kenya, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Latin America, adapting to different contexts and stakeholder groups.
  • Continuous Improvement: cewas continually refines and enhances the toolbox, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in promoting governance and integrity practices.
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