Training on Technologies, Systems & Innovation in Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management for Rural Areas (WSRS) - Nicaragua

Knowledge & training
Latin America

In October 2022, Cewas, in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank, offered a hybrid training course on (WSRS). The course aimed to equip young Nicaraguans with the knowledge, skills,and attitudes needed to propose water, sanitation, and solid waste management systems and services. These solutions are tailored to the needs of Nicaragua's rural and peri-urban populations and address the unique challenges faced by these communities.


The training consisted of six online sessions that introduced participants to core technologies, which they then applied during a weekend bootcamp at the American University of Managua. A total of 94 young Nicaraguan participants benefited from this valuable opportunity, gaining extensive knowledge about the water, sanitation, and solid waste management sector in the country.

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